Modular Test Galley – Creative In the Presence of Darkness ArtSea Guardian Get Outdoors and Say Goodbye Liquid Storm I Love You Joyful April Palette Passion Fiery Sunrise Joy Eye Sore Pigment Playground Lure of the Locked Loot Sea Sail Drifting Modular Test Galley – Custom In the Presence of Darkness ArtSea Guardian Get Outdoors and Say Goodbye Liquid Storm Joy I Love You Sea Sail Drifting Palette Passion Joyful April Eye Sore Fiery Sunrise Lure of the Locked Loot Pigment Playground Modular Test Galley – Masonry Joyful AprilDay 1 prompt: Renew! Restart! Sea Sail DriftingDay 2 prompt: Use found marks Palette PassionDay 3 prompt: What brings you joy? Make a work by doing that. Yellow Yarn of SilenceDay 4 Prompt: Share a secret Marine EssenceDay 5 prompt: Make an artwork while being outside Seafaring GlimpseDay 6 prompt: Be a beginner Storm WarriorDay 7 prompt: Make a work in the in-between time. Make a work while you're doing/waiting for something else... Fiery SunriseDay 8 prompt: Try cheating today Get Outdoors and Say GoodbyeDay 9 prompt: Take it apart and put it back together again. Wishing I was SwimmingDay 10 prompt: Make your work commercial Tide TrekDay 11 prompt: Post today's work to someone Mermaid’s MayhemDay 12 prompt: Hate it Rainbow ReversalDay 13 prompt: Make a work that can be viewed upside down I Love YouDay 14 prompt: Create a work that’s a love letter to someone In the Presence of DarknessDay 15 prompt: Make your work in the dark The SquareDay 16 prompt: Triangle, X, circle, square VeggiliciousDay 17 prompt: Make a work inspired by something in your fridge. ArtSea GuardianDay 18 prompt: If art is a life jacket what would it look like. Unfinished BusinessDay 19 prompt: Make your last ever art work Shared MysteryDay 20 prompt: Use someone's 30works30days post as inspiration. Liquid StormDay 21 prompt: Remake the last photo you took in a different medium. JoyDay 22 prompt: What is your art practices superpower? Triangle, X, circle, squareDay 23 prompt: Repeat Snell’s WindowDay 24 prompt: Artwork for fish Lure of the Locked LootDay 25 prompt: Make your work in the dark Opulent ContrastsDay 26 prompt: Go smaller Pigment PlaygroundDay 27 prompt: Experiment with ways to document your work. Time DriftDay 28 prompt: Invent your own measurement of time. Eye SoreDay 29 prompt: Map how you feel. Twilight TideDay 30 prompt: Today's work should vanish by the end of the day.